Fine lines, wrinkles, crepey eyelids, age spots – over time we all develop skin issues that surgery does not address. This is where fractionated CO2 laser treatments really shine. Today treatments can be customized to your individual needs. Deep lines around the mouth and eyes can be treated aggressively while also gently addressing superficial cheek lines. Complications are rare, and the days of waxy over-lasered skin are in the past. Redness can last two weeks rather than months, and the collagen in the skin continues to improve for months after the procedure. If you choose to have a deep laser treatment, the procedure is performed while you sleep in our fully accredited surgical suite. A CO2 laser procedure is a great standalone treatment, but can also be the perfect complement to a surgical procedure. Combining treatments is a great way to address multiple concerns with only one recovery period.
Are You A Candidate for Fractionated C02 Laser Resurfacing?
Here are some signs to look for that would indicate you are a good candidate for a CO2 fractionated laser procedure. If your skin has deep lines around the mouth and eyes that do not go away, even after BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport® treatments. If you have fine lines on your cheeks and that do not improve after the use of skincare products. Or if you have superficial brown-colored “age spots” on your face, chest, or arms.
Expected Side-Effects of Treatment
Immediately after the procedure, your face will be very red, and may even have some areas of bleeding or crusting where the treatment was most aggressive. This heals quickly in 2-3 days, and then you will have a red sunburned appearance for up to 3 weeks. After one week you can wear mineral-based make to camouflage the red tint of your skin. You will have a warm “sunburn” sensation for a few hours immediately after the procedure, then minimal pain or discomfort.