If you are looking to significantly change the shape and appearance of your face, surgery is often the best choice. Surprisingly, it can even be the quickest and most comfortable route to your goals. You usually can return to normal activity within 2 weeks, and often sooner. Whether you are looking to reduce the family hump on your nose, or lift your neck back into a youthful position, surgery is still the gold standard by which all other procedures are measured. All Surgeries at our Portland plastic surgery center are performed by Dr. David Magilke, a board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon.
Our Facial Plastic Surgery Services
To view before and after photos for each of these procedures, as well as learn more about them, please click the links below:
- Brow Lift (Endoscopic)
- Chin Implants
- Ears (Otoplasty)
- Earlobe Repair
- Eyes (Blepharoplasty)
- Face Lifts/Neck Lifts
- Neck/Chin Liposuction
- Full Rhinoplasty and Tip Rhinoplasty
- Rapid Recovery Lift
- Male Brow Lift
- Male Rhinoplasty
- Asian Blepharoplasty
- Revision Facelift
- Mini Facelift
- Upper Eyelid Surgery
- Lower Eyelid Surgery
- Male Facelift
- Male Upper Eyelid Surgery
- Male Lower Eyelid Surgery